Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reflection Blog

For your LAST blog entry of the semester (yay!), we would like for you to write a "reflection blog." A reflection blog is your thoughts about the class. Look back over the semester and think about the projects and in-class activities you've completed and talk about them. For example, which project was your favorite? Why? What did you learn from that project? Which project was your least favorite? Why? How do you think that project could have been improved? What else do you want to say about the class?
The 296K course is going to be over. I think it is both very useful and interesting course. I learn lots of computer skill, English and other knowledge. The project about my major and the immigration project. I learned the job situation of my major and where I can seek a job. The immigration project made me learn a lot about immigration in United States, especially Italian and Irish immigration. I enjoyed the process. What is more, the teachers in the course are very kind and helpful. I learned the computer skills, English, American culture and how to write academic essays. My advice for the course is that, teachers can give a debt project to the students, and separate them in two groups against each other. Each group should search information on-line and write an article for or against the topic.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Do you think that writing in Chinese is more "colorful?" That is to say, when you are writing in Chinese, what images do you form in your head? Chinese characters are very beautiful - when writing with these characters, tell us what is going on in your mind. China has a long, rich, history - how does this long, rich, history affect you as a writer when you are writing in Chinese? How do you feel when you must write in American English? In ENGL 396, many of your projects have involved the use of images, photos, and/or videos. Did using these items help you to express your ideas better in English? Why or why not?
Yes, writing in Chinese is very different from writing in English. Actually we do not use idioms and poetries in academic writing neither, but we have unbelievable quantity of beautiful poetries, idioms and metaphors to choose in litterateur and political papers. Chinese people really focused on litterateur and political in the past. Writers usually politicians as well enjoy the highest position in China’s history. The ancient version Chinese were designed for litterateur, so it is extremely colorful, flexible and has a very high information density. As consequence, it is very difficult to learn and use for normal people. As we all know there were many dynasts in Chinese history, so every dynast had a specific kind of litterateur form. For instants, we had “Tong Shi” in Tong dynast, “Song Ci” in Song dynast, “Yu’an Qu” inYu’an dynast and “Han Fu” in Han dynasty. Tong Shi is the most famous one of them. Its form is much more strict than English poertries. The Chinese idioms are amazing achievements of ancient Chinese people. They mostly are constructed by four Chinese characters, and there must be a meaningful story behind every idiom. When we use this poetries and idioms, there are not only photos in our mind, but also stories, emotions and philosophy.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Comparing writing rules in U.S. and China

Generally plagiarism is not accepted both in U.S. and China, but there are some difference for details. There are similar rules to ban plagiarism in China as in U.S, but most Chinese teachers perform the rules loosely, because they do not want the student have a bad record. The students know this, and some of them take advantage of them. However this dose not mean Chinese students are worse. Some students do this just because the scores of students are extremely important in China. The students’ parents probably treat them totally differently according to their scores in school.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Girl and the bird,26381,,00.html
the picture 1 is my picture. There is a lovly girl in pink coat sharing a chair with an unbeliveable large pelican. They just so enjoy the peace. In this moment, a human being and animal are really in the same positions.This picture indicates that animals are also members of the world. They should have the same rights as human beings have. We human beings should share the beautiful world with animals, because only this way can create a real peace and harmonious environment.

Monday, January 28, 2008

My familly

There is three people in my faimlly my father, my mother and me. My father is a manger and wisdom man. He is the most respcted man by me and my best teacher also. My mother is the person who loves me most and whom I can ever trust. Althought she can be noising sometimes, but I understand that it just because she cares me and thinks me still a child. I am the only child of the faimlly. This makes me feel lonly sometimes but likly I have a heathy familyship.
When I was a child I can't understand way my parents educted me. Actrully it is probably not the best way to educte but I can understand that why they do this si because they love me. I am not so young any more. What I suppose to do now is finishing my study as soon as possible and carry out my responsibility to the familly just like what my father is doing now.
After your reading my intrduction you must think I' m a serious troditonal chinese man but actruly I'm a guy like making jokes and I am glad to be friends with anyone who is friendly to me of course inculd you who is reading my blog haha.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Success Comes from Careful Planning

Many people think success comes from taking risk and chance, but I believe it results from careful planning. If think about what happened around you, you will find I am right. Let us take a look around the world. Why some people are so successful while others are figuring out how to get the next meal; why some countries have tons of money while others are still in poverty. Why is this happening? The answer is success coming from careful planning.
To explain why success comes from careful planning we should know how people plan and why it works. People plan according to tier logic and experience. People gain experience during their life time, and they use their knowledge to explain this. Sometimes people find their knowledge can’t explain what happened, so they must improve their knowledge system, but people always can find new logical theories to fit new phenomenon. Why people al ways can develop logical theories to fit new phenomenon. Because human being’s logic has evolved for millions of years to adopt the environment on earth, and people’s logic also makes they adopt the environment much better than other animals. For instance, people can live anywhere on Earth and they even successfully arrived Moon.

About hometown

I was born in a small Chinese city where located on the exit of the Yellow river. It’s a city which was divided to several parts, because it is an oil field. I grew up in the part that belongs to the Victory Hospital. It was also the hospital where my mother worked at. It is really a tiny town which just includes a hospital, some apartments of the hospital, an elementary school a food market and some little stones. Even it is a real tiny town that belongs to the hospital, but it is still my home town where I grew up, and I miss it so much.