Monday, January 28, 2008

My familly

There is three people in my faimlly my father, my mother and me. My father is a manger and wisdom man. He is the most respcted man by me and my best teacher also. My mother is the person who loves me most and whom I can ever trust. Althought she can be noising sometimes, but I understand that it just because she cares me and thinks me still a child. I am the only child of the faimlly. This makes me feel lonly sometimes but likly I have a heathy familyship.
When I was a child I can't understand way my parents educted me. Actrully it is probably not the best way to educte but I can understand that why they do this si because they love me. I am not so young any more. What I suppose to do now is finishing my study as soon as possible and carry out my responsibility to the familly just like what my father is doing now.
After your reading my intrduction you must think I' m a serious troditonal chinese man but actruly I'm a guy like making jokes and I am glad to be friends with anyone who is friendly to me of course inculd you who is reading my blog haha.


Crystal Lynn said...

it sounds like you have a really strong family bond! it's really great when you can grow up and mature enough to understand why your parents do what they do.

Miss Donahue said...

Hi Rain,

I agree that parents can be the best teachers. My dad is also a smart man. He taught me to be informed about the world and critically think, which helped me succeed in college.

yum1234 said...

Its good that your so close with your family. Family is always the most important thing. I am glad that you are here to further the education that your parents set up for you.