Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reflection Blog

For your LAST blog entry of the semester (yay!), we would like for you to write a "reflection blog." A reflection blog is your thoughts about the class. Look back over the semester and think about the projects and in-class activities you've completed and talk about them. For example, which project was your favorite? Why? What did you learn from that project? Which project was your least favorite? Why? How do you think that project could have been improved? What else do you want to say about the class?
The 296K course is going to be over. I think it is both very useful and interesting course. I learn lots of computer skill, English and other knowledge. The project about my major and the immigration project. I learned the job situation of my major and where I can seek a job. The immigration project made me learn a lot about immigration in United States, especially Italian and Irish immigration. I enjoyed the process. What is more, the teachers in the course are very kind and helpful. I learned the computer skills, English, American culture and how to write academic essays. My advice for the course is that, teachers can give a debt project to the students, and separate them in two groups against each other. Each group should search information on-line and write an article for or against the topic.

1 comment:

Rebecca Medley said...

Rain, thank you for your suggestions. We are revising the class for the fall, and I am using many of the suggestions given to me by the ENGL 396 students.